March 9, 2020 - Thoughts on Star Trek: Picard - Episode 7

Thoughts on Star Trek: Picard - Episode 7 - (watched it via PVR on March 9, 2020)

Episode 7....we’re over halfway to the end of Season One.

I’ve read the recaps and they made me want to watch the episode, but life got in the way and so this commentary is horribly LATE. For this, I sincerely apologize.

The episode opens on the Daystrom Institute in Okinawa, Japan. Jurati is visited by Commodore Oh and a brief, intense conversation about Jurati’s visits with Picard ensues. Commodore Oh tricks Jurati into serving as a spy for Starfleet and forces a Vulcan mind meld on to her without even gaining her consent. I do believe that is illegal, but Starfleet doesn’t seem to care about legalities now anymore, now do they? Jurati is also forced to ingest a tracker. Jurati is a poorly conscripted spy who has lied and murdered in the name of upholding ethics that Starfleet claims to value with their mouths, but has abandoned with their minds and hearts.

On La Sirena, meanwhile, the crew is fighting because the Reclamation Cube has tractored the ship and will not let them go. Inside the cube, Narek’s sister is interrogating Hugh at gunpoint and Hugh expresses anxiety, but refuses to betray Picard regardless of the consequences. Hugh is forced to watch as the Romulan spies kill synthetics without hesitation and yet, he doesn’t break. He stays loyal to Picard even with a knife at his neck, but Narek’s sister initially cannot kill him due to the Federation and Romulus having some sort of treaty that protects Hugh. Elnor chooses to remain on the cube with Hugh despite having the opportunity to go back to the ship; he has pledged his loyalty to Picard’s cause and that means pledging loyalty to all those involved in the cause, a.k.a: Hugh.

Picard and Soji do arrive at Nepenthe safely and it is a planet very much resembling Earth. They are greeted by a child welding a bow and arrow, who Picard quickly identifies as Kestra. Kestra puts the bow away and leads Picard and Soji to her parents. During the walk, Kestra interrogates Soji and helps her to see her reality as an android, but is friendly about it. Soji starts to get emotional, but Picard works very hard to calm her down using the memory of Dahj’s reality. He is also forced to confess that Dahj was murdered by Romulan assassins. Soji, however, is denying that Nepenthe and anything is real. Kestra’s parents are, in fact, Deanna Troi-Riker and Will Riker from the Enterprise!

Deanna shows a sad delight at seeing Picard, immediately sensing that he came because he is in bad trouble. Deanna being a Betazoid means she can most likely sense that Picard is not healthy and hence, the reason why she gave him an extra hug. Riker is cooking when Kestra tells him that Picard is here and Riker immediately senses he needs a place to hide. The Riker home is old-fashioned, but has the capacity to serve as protection in the face of danger. Deanna immediately orders Picard to take a rest in Thad’s room and Soji ends up taking a shower while Kestra peppers her with questions. Soji must be very advanced if she can take showers, as I don’t recall past androids being able do to that. Kestra has managed to get Soji to open up by sharing information about Data that her parents told her and they forge an emotional connection. Kestra uses childish idioms to make Soji smile and relax about her new reality...if only for a time.

Deanna also shows Picard to an untouched room and they discuss Thad Riker, but he is nowhere to be seen. Deanna then reveals that Thad would have been 18 a week before and how the family still aches over his apparent death. Deanna expresses sorrow over Thad’s death and concern over Kestra’s safety to the point where she cries like she did back when she lost her first child, Ian Andrew Troi, on the Enterprise-D long ago. Losing two sons has taken a toll on Deanna and she is doing her best to be happy about Picard visiting, but it is very clear that he reminds her of bad times. Data, who was present for Ian’s birth at her request, was also very dear to her and he died rescuing Picard and the crew of the Enterprise from Shinzon’s group, and so the sight of Data’s child is also a deep shock. Deanna seems to have blocked the emotions out as best as she could over the years, but could not stop herself from crying when she and Picard revisited the past.

La Sirena, meanwhile, is being obsessively followed by a Romulan warbird and Rios suspects that someone on board is helping them. Jurati is more anxious than ever and Raffi calls her out on her anxiety. Raffi decides to be motherly towards Jurati and invites her to have cake to relax. Jurati initially accepts the cake, chocolate milk, and mothering by Raffi, but then breaks down crying. Jurati is breaking because of what she is and having to do, but Rios interrupts with the news that the warbird is following them. Jurati then begins to vomit blood and cry. Rios brings Jurati to Sickbay and confides in her that he thinks Raffi is being tracked; that she is the spy that is endangering them. Jurati tries to confess, but Rios doesn’t believe her and they are interrupted by the return of the warbird. Having had enough, Jurati replicates a medication and injects herself with it. She begins to convulse, foam at the mouth, and lose consciousness as the EMH is activated. Jurati puts herself in a coma.

After Picard tries to rest, he visits with Riker and quickly learns that Riker’s sorrow over Thad’s death is too easily triggered. Thankfully, Soji and Kestra show up as a diversion and Riker’s friendly banter quickly returns to give Soji a warn welcome and be kind to his daughter’s words. Riker then begins talking with Picard about Soji and reasons that Soji is Data’s daughter because they share mannerisms and Riker also calls Picard out on his ‘classic Picard arrogance.’ Riker is just as outspoken as he was on the Enterprise and Picard seems to be grateful for it. Deanna, on the other hand, visits with Kestra and Soji and Deanna opens up to Soji about Thad’s languages. Deanna also opens up to Soji about her son without breaking into the emotion she showed with Picard; she shares that they brought Thad here in an attempt to heal him of a rare illness. The synth ban resulted in Thad’s death and although Deanna is sad about it, she presses on and patiently listens to Soji talk about Narek, being tricked, and her android status. Soji admits that she does not trust anyone because everyone acts caring and doesn’t mean it. Soji shoves Picard and runs away after Picard offers sarcastic retorts. Deanna is very frank with Picard: Soji has been through a lot and feels violated, so she needs the ‘Jean-Luc Picard’ that everyone knows him to be. Troi convinces Picard to let them help him with trying to connect with Soji. Picard needed to be reminded that he is still capable of being his old self if he wants to be even if he is a little bit older.

On the Reclamation Cube, Hugh and Elnor attempt to return to the Queen’s cell to escape, but they are stopped by Narek’s sister and called traitors to the treaty. A fight ensues and Narek’s sister tries to tempt Elnor by reminding him of his religious beliefs, but Elnor continues to fight. Unfortunately, Narek’s sister throws a dagger into Hugh’s neck and kills him before beaming away, leaving Hugh to die in Elnor’s arms. Elnor is gravely wounded from the fight, but manages to activate his Fenris S.O.S. as he hides.

Dinner time at the Rikers is filled with consummation of pizza and discussion of the next stage of Picard’s mission: how to get Soji home. Soji is initially reluctant to open up, but Picard is very frank about how human he is and that she can trust him. Soji is still reluctant, but then Picard shares that he wants to help her find her home to honor Data’s memory and because his quest for her has made her feel alive again after existing in a dead state brought on by a haunting past. Soji eventually opens up about Narek’s torturous methods and they discuss Bruce Maddox before Kestra tells Soji that she has a homeworld, eliciting a smile. Kestra shows the tenacity and intelligence of her parents when she reveals where the homeworld is and that it is only known by a number; she knows this because she asked an aged captain who also resides on Nepenthe. Picard, Riker, and Deanna are shocked, amused, and delighted by this revelation and by Kestra’s snooping.

Completely unaware of everything that has happened, Riker and Picard walk, talk, and share drinks. Picard asks Riker if he’s ever thought about returning to Starfleet and Riker admits that while he’s on active reserve, he would only return to duty for a very good reason. Riker asks Picard why he doesn’t rest and let others carry on, but Picard evades answering and thanks Riker for not trying to talk him out of doing this mission. Inside the house, Soji wakes to Kestra drawing and they admit they will miss each other. Kestra tells Soji that when bad things happen, she should rely on Picard and Soji promises to consider it. Kestra gives Soji a compass as a farewell present and hugs her while Riker and Deanna hug Picard. Once Picard and Soji leave, the Rikers go on with the lives that they have carved out for themselves. No doubt they are changed and affected by Picard and Soji’s visit and everything that was discussed.


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