February 6, 2020 - Thoughts on Star Trek: Picard - Episode 3

Episode 3 of Star Trek: Picard results in Picard and his new crew finally assembling and going into space. The episode begins with a flashback to the aftermath of the attacks on Mars 14 years prior to Episode 1. Picard and his first officer at the time are discussing Starfleet's decision to end the Romulan rescue efforts and Picard admits to Raffi that he gave Starfleet an ultimatum: accept the Romulan rescue efforts or he would resign. There was a bit of selfishness involved in that decision, as I don't believe that Picard fully considered or cared about what might happen to Raffi if he was no longer there. Raffi appeared to be on her last chance with Starfleet for reasons we don't yet know and once Picard left, they saw no reason to keep her around.

Starfleet's descent into selfish apathy resulted in the loss of a great officer because they merely accepted Picard's resignation rather than stand against the pressure that others put on them to abandon the Romulans to themselves in the face of the supernova crisis. Basically, Starfleet allowed themselves to be bullied into submission rather than defend the humanitarian values that Jonathan Archer fought to instill in Starfleet prior to the founding of the Federation. Starfleet's focus used to be on humanitarian efforts, diplomacy, and exploration of the uniqueness that the galaxy had to offer.

As the years went on and more decimation happened due to different wars; the war with the Borg that included Picard's assimilation, the Dominion War, and the brief skirmish with Shinzon that resulted in Data's death, Starfleet became exhausted and allowed their resiliency to fade off into submission. Picard himself allowed what made him great to fade away into bitterness against what he could not do. He gave away what he could do in favor of the poison that is bitterness. Why is he surprised that those he once called friends are not happy to see his return after he abandoned them and seemingly forgot to care?

Picard did converse with Raffi and Raffi outright admitted that Starfleet pretty much sabotaged the Romulan rescue efforts by arranging the attack on Mars. Raffi, however, is too burdened by her demons to see what help she could be to Picard and to the quest he is endeavouring on. These two are too absorbed in their own obsessions and demons to be aware of the fact that Commodore Oh is investigating Dr. Jurati's recent interactions with Picard. Eventually, Raffi's curiosity gets the better of her and she not only analyzes the information

Soji, meanwhile, has caught the attention of the executive director of the Reclamation Project because he sees potential in her work. The patients she visits are Romulans who were once assimilated, but have become mentally and emotionally disordered by the reclamation process. Soji continually intrigues the executive director by analyzing situations correctly enough to trigger communication in the patients. Soji's words ended up triggering a violent response in the patient and we see that Romulans are simply trained to shoot without even any other consideration. The executive director, fortunately, was able to diffuse both the patient and the situation. Soji, though, is now left wondering who is she is and what the woman means by her words. The whole Reclamation Project is really quite an interesting concept that I hope is more thoroughly explored in future episodes. I also hope that Soji as a character is explored more thoroughly, as we didn't really get to explore Dahj at all before she was exterminated. All we know is that she seems aware of Dahj, but not of her reality as an artificial life form. She also seems to lack awareness of the conspiracy against her.

Picard, despite not having his first officer by his side, goes to meet the pilot that Raffi arranged for him. Rios turns out to be a smoking, alcoholic narccisist who finds a strange delight in what Picard is pursuing. Picard, likewise, finds a strange pleasure in calling Rios on his BS and cuts right through the facade that the man is displaying. I also find it hilarious that Rios's EMH resembles him to the point that they could pass as twins in both appearance and personality. Time has not been kind to him and trauma smashed who he once was, as did Starfleet's idiocy in erasing his noble service from their records. They seem to have turned into an organization that associates with people only for as long as they can be useful and them dumps them in the gutter afterwards.

It also seems that Laris has accepted Picard's decision to return to the stars even if she doesn't agree with it. She can see that his eyes and his heart are on the stars and she would rather accept that about him than lose the friendship of one who redeemed her and Zhaban from a perilous situation. Unfortunately, Commodore Oh is also aware of this fact and outright sent Romulan assassins to Chateau Picard to try and murder Picard, Laris, and Zhaban before the quest could begin. It's fortunate that Dr. Jurati decided to tell Picard what Commodore Oh forced out of her and was able to dispose of their surprise assassin. It's truly unfortunate that the surviving assassin died by its down weapon before we could learn more about who Soji truly is. Dr. Jurati is consciously aware of what she has done and is anxious to help despite the consequences of that choice.

And Raffi has found Dr. Maddox in a place called Freecloud, but will not share why she wants to accompany them there! Picard seems to know that that is, but we don't get any other explanation than that. This is becoming a very lucrative season that I am quickly developing a hardcore addiction to!


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